Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Importance Of Leonardo Da Vinci

The book that I have read The Importance Of Leonardo Da Vinci by Unkown Author shows real facts and really shows the reason of why Leonardo Da Vinci was so important.The book shows the life story of Leonardo Da Vinci his ins and his outs or in the ELA terms his internal and external conflicts.They show that as he grew up his world was starting to change because places where attacking places and people were staring to become in charge of him and even conflicts in himself because when he started to age he started to get sick and become weak.They even showed his goals and how he became successful because of those goals.The goals of his life are when he did his first painting and another famous artist saw it and loved it like crazy and he started to work for that famous artist and the famous artist's name was Andrea del Verrocchio.He was famous for one thing and people still talk about to this day and his famous became heard after he made the Mona Lisa and people still wonder when he did it and how he made it so perfect.

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